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ATC Agency Blog

All You Ever Wanted to Know About Insurance

Full Glass Coverage

Winter is tough on your car and on the roads in Minnesota. The roadways start to develop potholes and cracks, which as the freeze-thaw cycle continues, makes the roadways even worse. 

The freeze-thaw cycle creates road debris too which can damage your car and even crack a windshield. Adding to that, sand that is spread to help driving conditions can also be a hazard. Most glass claims are related to a road hazard, such as a rock. 

In Minnesota, you can have a zero dollar glass deductible. That means you won't pay out of pocket if you file a glass claim. It is a great coverage to have, especially as spring comes around. The cost to replace a windshield has increased over the years, and depending on the make and model of your vehicle can exceed $1,000. 

It is a good time to review your comprehensive coverage to make sure you are carrying a zero dollar glass deductible. Call your local independent insurance agent today and stay safe on the roads!